Monday 5 December 2011


Salam all! entry would be about.....



And this! 



Salam to all...

Apa khabar? Harap y'alls semua sihat2 aje ye. :-)

Banner promosi online booth PBlicious

This time I nak cerita about our booth at Karnival Jom Heboh TV3, as stated in the picture above. It was held during the weekend for two days, 3-4 December 2011. Sangat seronok okay even though I was not there during the event. Oh my! How I wish i could be there and help the team. Unfortunately, I had other things to do here in KT. However, I was able to help the team from by preparing some forms to be used during the event, gathering pictures for slide shows, brainstorming the ideas for the gifts and simple contest. ALHAMDULILLAH....the booth was set up successfully through virtual discussion!

 This is what we call TEAMWORK!

Here are some of the forms that I had prepared to help the team members to manage the booth. :-)

The booth was held on Saturday and Sunday, opened from 10 am to 10 pm. However, people started to drop by at our booth since Friday. Praise to ALLAH, we were able to entertain the visitors even though we were quite busy setting up the booth.

We had a lot of free gifts to be given to the visitors. That was also a good chance to buy Premium Beautiful with promotion price where you can save up to RM800! Waahhh...that's a lot of money, right? We also had special contest for Facebookers where Facebookers had to say out the tagline we announced on Facebook to the team at the booth! Gifts were given to those who could say it out correctly! Yeay!

Here are some pictures taken during the event! Aahhh....they were & are great okay!

The Team

PBlicious Team
Consulting a customer

Come in, people!

The free gifts!

Promo! Promo!

Awards & Achievement of Premium Beautiful

Benefits of Premium Beautiful

Premium beautiful for bride

She was able to manage her post-natal weight!

Apart from the fun and joy, there were a few things that made us happy with the decision to open the booth. A lot of the visitors said they were wearing Premium Beautiful for years and the condition is still okay. Ada yang nak cari Premium Beautiful to manage their post-natal weight. A few yang datang cari Premium Beautiful sebab nak turunkan berat badan. And many other reasons. The team had fun sharing the information of Premium Beautiful and successful stories of Premium Beautiful user. Below are some comments that we got from our customers at the booth. Surprisingly amazing!

“Akak, corset ni boleh turunkan berat badan saya kan? Saya nak kecik sikit la.” Pelanggan A # InsyaALLAH…ramai yg dah Berjaya dgn Premium Beautiful.

Kawan sy before kawen gemok sgt!tp lps kawen,die dh kurus! terkejut saye! Rupenye die pkai pb ni la! So sy nk try jugak la..die gemok tau dlu" Pelanggan B
# Semangat dia cerita tentnag kawan dia! Boleh..boleh! Tunggu ye Premium Beautiful anda! :-)

“Saya memang cari corset,sy penah dgr brand lain,tp sy xberani." Pelanggan C was having post-natal weight
#well,premium beautiful dah 20thn kt Malaysia  :)

“Ha'ah la..rse badan dipegang and kemas..beza sangat.." Pelanggan D, buncit walaupun selepas setahung bersalin dan cuba pakai Waist Nipper di fitting room kami
#Akak, sebab tu kami berniaga Premium Beautiful ni. To help other people.

 “Akak dh ade satu set pb ni,akak pkai since 2004 bile keluar short bra yg baru ni,akak nak jugak. PB akak elok lagi tau! Memang best la untuk org macam, akak slalu pergi kursus n aktif ni!" Pelanggan E
# Waaahhhh…kami kagum lagi dgn pemakai tegar Premium Beautiful!

‎"Tu la...saya dh pakai banyak jenis corset,tp berlipat2 and bergulung2 kt peha..penuh je dalam satu almari…tapi bila pakai PB,tak pandang yg lain lagi” Pelanggan F
# Hehehe…sama je macam member team kami. Akhirnya setia dengan Premium Beautiful, sampai boleh income almost 10k. first income pon dh double salary I.

‎"Makcik tgk kan..short bra yg korang tunjuk ni,mmg tgk je dh tahu selesa je pakai.." Pelanggan G
#Ye makcik..sesuai sgt utk wanita tgh pregnant yg bile perot mereka memboyot,sakit abis bdn bile pkai bra biase tu..ramai pregnant women prefer short bra Premium Beautiful walaupon takleh pakai set Premium Beautiful begitulah cerita ttg booth kami! We had fun setting up the booth. And I had fun helping the team from far. When i told my friend how we did that, she said "Waaaahhhh...hebat betul korang! Dasyat la korang ni ye! " 

Yup! I am very proud of my team! 

So people out there yang tak sempat pergi booth kami di Karnival Jom Heboh, anda masih boleh memiliki set Premium Beautiful anda! 


Saturday 26 November 2011


Salam y'alls,,,

Alhamdulillah....dah setahun berlalu. Kurang dua jam, kita akan sambut tahun baru 1433 Hijriah.

Hhhmmm....teringat pula peristiwa hijrah yg dilakukan Junjungan Besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w bersama para sahabat dan kaum Muhajirin yg keluar dari Mekah ke Madinah demi membela iman dan Islam kaum Muhajirin.

Dan sesungguhnya tiada lagi hijrah selepas Hijrah besar bersama Kekasih ALLAH itu.

Namun demikian, kita sebagai manusia masih boleh menghijrahkan diri dari keadaan yang baik kepada lebih baik. Membaiki diri dari negatif kepada positif juga satu hijrah.

InsyaALLAH....semoga kita semua sama-sama mendapat iktibar dan azam baru dari peralihan tahun ini.

Jangan lupa baca doa Akhir Tahun (baca di penghujung waktu Asar) & Awal Tahun (baca di awal waktu Maghrib,selepas solat)ye. Semoga perjalanan hidup kita di tahun hadapan lebih berkat dan diredhai. :)

Doa Akhir Tahun
Doa Awal Tahun


Peerrgghhh.... Banyaknye Toksin!

Salam y'all

Hari ni i basuh Premium Beautiful tu, pastu terfikir nak tengok perbezaan air sebelum dan selepas rendam PB.

Dan....taadaaa!!! Hasilnya!

Yang atas tu sebelum rendam and yang bawah tu lepas rendam PB. I tauu...y'all mesti cakap daki kan?

Tak... Tak... Itu adalah toksin yg tidak bagus utk badan. Dikeluarkan oleh PB. Ish ish...banyak toksin dlm badan i kan?

Badan y'all mcm mana? Berani jamin ke takde toksin? ;-)
Sebelum rendam

Selepas rendam


Salam all

Entry hari ni nk tunjuk sket la kat y'alls kan perubahan selepas a few months pakai Premium Beautiful. Perubahan ni pd diri sendiri la. Nak tunjuk yg org lain punya boleh juga tp yg diorang tu k.i.v dulu.

Okay.... picture kat bawah ni shows my changes selepas 10 bulan (...kot..) pakai Premium Beautiful.

---The first picture tu time pergi program fakulti,somewhere in 2006 kot.

--- The second picture time pergi Sarawak end of last year. Sama je kan rupanya. Hihihi

--- Third picture was taken after 2 WEEKS wearing Premium Beautiful. I was so surprised bila boleh fit into the kebaya again! The kebaya was made in 2007!

-- The fourth picture was taken after Eid, somewhere in September, 6 months after wearing Premium Beautiful. And i did not wear full set Premium Beautiful ye under the blouse, but still i look smaller than previous pictures. Hehehe

ALHAMDULILLAH...praise to ALLAH for giving me a better life.
Perubahan selepas ber-Premium Beautiful

I am so happy with the changes. Tu physical change je,yg y'all boleh nampak. My health pon improves a lot ye more back pain and no more intollerate migrain.

So, those yang nak lihat perubahan diri sendiri, mesti buat sesuatu untuk berubah. 

Grab your Premium Beautiful from me now! Worry not, special price for u. SERIOUS!

You can SMS me at 013-9270276
email to


Friday 25 November 2011


Salam all

Well, i know blog ni dah lama sunyi from new entries. Hehehe...there were a few problems and alhamdulillah...dapat diatasi. InsyaALLAH lepas ni boleh continue ber'blogging'. :)

Sebenarnya this entry is about company's 19th celebration. Yup. 19 tahun.

Our company dah bertapak di Malaysia for 19 years, and sepanjang kewujudannya, company dah bantu ramai org yg ingin mengubah nasib mereka.

Dan malam ni, di malam ulangtahun yg ke-19 ni, company sekali lagi ingin memberi pebgiktirafan kepada mereka yg berjaya dalam perniagaan bersama company,yang setia bersama company.

Pengiktirafan tertinggi iaitu


Yang paling aku excited adalah 4 of them are from my big group, and two of the four are my direct leaders which are CDM Salha Zain & CDM Adliza.

Well, like always, i better leave the pictures to do the talk. Happy scrolling!

shiny materials for dinner dress is a BIG  no no :(
Intan & I
Tiru gaya CDM Adliza. sama tak?hehe
the team! yeehhaaa!
Sempat posing dengan CDM Cleopatra
Hazwani (left), Hanis Haizi (middle) & I
The man is CDC Chan, owner of B32!
This man is CDM Razz, husband to CDM Hanis Haizi
CDM Salha Zain
CDM Adliza sempat bagi tips & nasihat
Waahhhh!! Macam artis, ada poster you!
With CDC Kak Ana & CDC Abg Lan, mentors at B32
Posing lagi!
Sempat snap picture dgn cdc Abg Lan. :)

Waaaahhhh...seronok and bangga tgk leaders naik stage utk terima award for their hardwork. Trust me, hardwork pays! and my team will be on the stage next year!
So come one, come all and be part of the team. :)


Sunday 17 July 2011



Kita jumpa lagi! Lama rasanya tak update blog kan? Hmmmmm.....hari nak cerita lg bisnes. Mesti korang cakap "Asyik-asyik psl bisnes? Best ke?"


Knape aku ckp awesome? Sebab, semua ilmu psl bisnes ni akan di ajar, diturunkan. Takkan ada satu pon yang tertinggal. Bukan setakat modul je, malah y'all akan dibimbing secaxra terus oleh senior2 in business.

And the fact is those yg join bisnes PB franchising ni semunya muda2 belaka. Kira Young Entrepenurs la...

Good news to those yang join or sign as FRANCHISOR in July, y'all akan dpt extra bonus iaitu RM4500 instead of RM3000. Extra RM1500. Mana nak dpt? So far, company belum announce bila extra bonus ni akan berakhir. Boleh jd bulan ni? May be jugak bulan depan, kan?

TAPI, knape nak tunggu? Perlu ke tunggu hingga saat akhir? Kang terlepas, melopong!

So, jom la jd franchisor PB sekarang! Aku akan ajar and guide y'all how to do this business! Aku tak charge. Betol!

For more info, call/SMS NISA @ 013-9270 276

Saturday 9 July 2011


SALAM & Good Morning!

How are you today, y'all? Hope you are doing great out there!

Mesti y'all duk fikir "Apakehal la dia besar...? Mata duitan ke?"

One thing I want to say here is "What others mind is not my core" hehehe....Jahat tak ayat? Tp betul...if kita asyik fikir apa yg org sekeliling cakap, kita akan takut untuk bergerak dan melangkah. Setiap orang ada pendapat masing-masing. Dan kita perlu ingat, di sekeliling kita mmg ada orang2 yang berusaha, dan ada juga orang yang suka memburuk-burukkan apa yang kita buat.

In fact, kalau y'all menderma pon akan ada orang yang cakap "Wahh...bagus ko ek.Banyak duit? Kat aku tak nak derma ke?" Persoalannya sekarang, macam mana y'all menghadapi orang2 yg begini. Adakah dengan AMARAH? Atau dengan SENYUM? Y'all yang pilih...

Okay...okay....kita balik ke title WANG BESAR.
Hari ni nak bgtau y'all bahawa company skrg sedang mengadakan rebate sempena Ramdhan+Syawal. Sama macam bonus la....Hebatkan? Berbisnes pon dapat bonus!

Setiap franchiser baru yang register bulan ni, JULY, akan dapat bonus RM3000 + RM1500
Waaahh!!! So extra bonus is RM1500! Selalunya, bonus pada bulan2 biasa adalah RM3000 (tu pon dah cukup banyak tau!!!) tp untuk new JULY franchiser, akan dapat bonus RM4500! Memang wang besar tuh! Memang sempat top up untuk bajet raya. And lepas raya pon ada balance lg!

Plus, if y'all join as franchiser bulan ni, JULY, y'all layak ke Holland+Belgium! 
Kita akan terbang ke Holland+Belgium early 2012! Waaahhhh...hebat tu!


So, jangan lepaskan peluang keemasan ni! Bonus+trip ke Holland ni berlangsung tak lama tau. Takut nnt y'all join last minit,dah tak sempat. Mcm mne? Rugi kan?

So, if y'all nak tau psl PB franchising business ni
Call/ SMS me, NISA, @ 013-9270 276 today!

Friday 8 July 2011


Salam Jumaat semua.....

Semoga penghulu segala hari ni membawa keberkatan dalam hidup kita dengan rezeki yg halal yang melimpah ruah...Amiinn

Entry hari ni istimewa sket.....sebbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbb


Hear yee! Hear yee!

I want  to introduce you the new PB dealer, NADIAH, or can just call her NAD!

Isn't she beautiful,is she?

NAD at the moment based in Sarawak but worry not. U can get in touch with her through sms/call, FB and her blog!

NAD is my younger sista! It started when she saw me wearing PB. She was surprised to see me getting smaller n smaller....Mau tak? Si gemuk dah makin mengecil!

And I told her what PB can do to her backbone pain....and after that,dia teman aku pergi Award Night.
Once dia dah tgk aku ambil award, jumpa great leaders in this business....terus bgtau  
"Aku minat la nk join bisnes ko ni!"

Perrgghhhh...tak tunggu lama, terus aku sign in kan untuk dia!

So, y'all yg memerlukan set PB untuk kelihatan cantik, boleh hubungi NAD....

Call/SMS to 017-3978751

Add her at Facebook


Visit her Blog

Free postage ke seluruh Malaysia, and NAD says, ada special gift for early birds. Gift tu sementara stock masih ada katanya.....So, JANGAN TANGGUH2 LAGI!


Tuesday 21 June 2011



Apa khabar y'all?? Hehehe.....tengok title post, mesti y'all bertanya soalan 
"Aik? Lelaki pakai PB? 1 set?"

Hehehehe....y'all nih. Logik la....takkan nak pakai PB full set kot! Kang tak pasal2 jd cerita lain plak. Adoi! Aku tak terlibat ye. Sekian. Hahaha

Okay...hari ni aku nak cerita pasal Waist Nipper PB dan Lelaki.

Waist Nipper PB
Beginilah keadaan Waist Nipper PB bila dipakai
Waist Nipper PB juga bagus untuk lelaki

Kenapa? Sebab Waist Nipper PB ni membantu lelaki-lelaki yang:

  1. Masalah perut buncit
  2. Sakit belakang/pinggang
  3. Bongkok
Haaaaa..... Maka, Waist Nipper PB bukan sahaja untuk perempuan, tetapi juga bagus untuk lelaki. Waist Nipper PB telah membantu ramai lelaki yang mempunya masalah-masalah di atas terutamanya bagi mereka yang mempunyai masalah perut buncit.

Ini kerana, situasi yang sama seperti wanita, di mana lemak banyak terkumpul di bahagian perut. Lemak bukan sahaja menyebabkan perut buncit, tetapi juga memberi kesan buruk pada kesihatan anda secara keseluruhannya seperti risiko sakit jantung dan darah tinggi! 

Kenapa Waist Nipper PB? Kerana, 

 1. Waist Nipper PB mempunyai FIR yang membantu meningkatkan metabolisma badan, dan seterusnya menolong membakar sehingga 900 kalori sejam!!!  
2. Wasit Nipper PB adalah produk SUPERBRAND! Produk Superbrand mempunyai kualiti terbaik setanding kuantiti jualan! 

3. Waist Nipper PB mempunyai jaminan seumur hidup, di mana anda perlu melabur sekali dan memakainya selama anda hidup! 

Bayangkan anda memakai Waist Nipper PB setiap hari selama setahun, anda sebenarnya hanya membayar RM 2.50 setiap hari! 
Murah kan? 
Saya yakin anda mampu menyediakan RM 2.50 setiap hari.

So, kepada anda di luar sana yang nak tau more pasal PB or Waist Nipper PB, the SUPERBRAND product, jgn segan-segan ye....

Call @ SMS me, NISA @ 013-9270276

Saturday 18 June 2011

MALAM ANUGERAH....First Step to Success #2

Salam semua! Moga2 kita semua berada di bawah rahmat dan kasih ILAHI hari ini...

Korang mesti terkejut kan...tetiba open entry dgn suara p'puan jerit2..hahahaha...tu suara Nur, rakan bisnes aku merangkap leader aku! Pergghhh...dapat sokongan padu gitu! Kan!? Hehehehe....

Kerana sokongan dan tunjuk ajar dia la aku berjaya naik stage tu tau! Dia turunkan semua ilmu yang dia ada dalam bisnes ni to me. And I will do the same to my other bisnes partners! 

This entry...aku nak sambung lg dengan pictures award yang aku dapat tu! Sila browse ye!

the appreciation

From left Nur, Kak Salha, me, K. Pi, Kak Liza & Intan

Thumbs up!!
Aku paling suka this pictures sebab, in this picture ada wajah2 yang selalu berdamping dengan aku...kira orang kuat la. They fly all the way from KL semata-mata utk meraikan aku dapat award. k. Liza & Intan lagi dari KL tuuuu....aku sebak dan terharu.


Here are a few pictures of great businesswomen yang akan fly ke Belgium & Holland next year, InsyaALLAH...

Hanis Haizi sempat lagi bakar semangat kami! Salute for her!
Semua bersemangat!!

Businesswomen hebat!!!

Ambik aura leaders...

Bakal2 Belgium+Holland Qualifier 2012
 Aku suka gambar di atas ni sebab semuanya wajah2 positif, muka yakin akan terbang ke Belgium+Holland, termasuklah adik aku, Nad, yang berbaju kuning itu! Worry not, sis! I'll guide all the way as you are already in my list to Belgium+Holland!

 And next are pictures during the revelation of strategies to qualify a seat to Belgium+Holland.... jeng jeng jeng..

Hanis Haizi

Nampak tak? Aku depan Hanis, adik aku, Nad, sebelah Hanis.... sisters in business
Time ni kami beramai2 meriahkan KFC Batu Burok, makan and berdiskusi pasal bisnes. Hanis Haizi, our great achiever, reveal strategies macam mana nak qualify ke Belgium+Holland. The strategies mmg sgt membantu untuk mengumpulkan dana shopping ketika di 2 negara tersebut. Hehehe

And Hanis juga revealkan yang berkemungkinan besar, we will transit in Paris and Dubai for one day, enough for shopping!!! 

OMG!!! So altogether, 4 countries la yang kita akan singgah??? Awesome! Seb baik aku tak pengsan depan Hanis! Hahahaha tak if ada orang ajar y'all bagaimana nak berniaga? Step by step? And korang just follow je! Best kan? Senang kan? Apa yang y'all perlu buat is just follow the steps...we already prepare the highway for you, just use it! Takde tol ok! Free! Lalu aje! 

So, kepada yang nak tahu strategi kami, and join kami ke Belgium+Holland (+Dubai+Paris), jangan segan-segan call @ SMS
Nisa @ 013-9270276

p/s: all the pictures in this n previous entry are taken from here, here and here. Thanx to Hanis, K.Salha & Abg Al-Faath! :)