Friday 27 January 2012


Salam semua...

Hehehe....this time Nisa nak cerita tentang makan je! Waaaahhh...Nisa suka makan, tapi tak pandai makan. Aiikk??? Macam mana tu?

Hihihihi....well, Nisa memang suka makan. Ajak la Nisa pergi makan, insyaALLAH tak menolak. Cuma don't ask me kat mana sedap. Or which one taste better, this spaghetti or lasagna? Hehehe....Nisa memang tak pandai nak jawab. Sebab for me, I like both! Tak pandai nak bagaitau yg ni lebih sedap. Unless makanan tu memang sangat teruk. Yang tu tak boleh nak cakap la....memang spoil the meal. huuuuu...

Here below, Nisa saje nak upload gambar antara makanan yang Nisa suka. 

Kita mulakan dengan western cuisin and dessert. Hehehe

Red Velvet Cake baked by my business partner

Spaghetti. Sedap!!!!
Nasi dengan Ayam Panggang di RasaMas

Nasi dengan Ayam & Sos Cendawan di Secret Recipe

Dory Fish with Crab Sauce, also at Secret Recipe

Lasagna. Boleh buat sendiri tp selalu malas nak buat.hehehe

Fruit tartlet. Paling sedap is made by my sister. She has the talent to prepare dessert! Superb!
Cream puff! My dad's fav also! :)

Carrot Cake. Sedap rupanya. First try di Secret Recipe. ;p

Blueberry Cheesecake. First time makan di Secret REcipe. Tergoda hingga ke hari ini! hehehe

Now, makanan Melayu pulak!
Nasi goreng belacan. Sedap ni! Kat Kota Bharu, Kelantan!
All time favourite, mee goreng basah!

Kuey Teow Kungfu..belajar makan ni masa belajar di Shah Alam. Sedap!

Nasi Kukus! Paling best is at PEngkalan Chepa, Kota Bharu, Kelantan! Superbb!!!

Dan yang ini, belum lagi cuba sebab tak tau bila nak buat. Hehe...PAVLOVA! Heard about ir years ago. My friends cakap sedap! Tapi tak tau bila berkesempatan untuk cuba buat. :)
PAVLOVA...!!! yang di atas adalah semua yang nisa suka makan. Banyak western food? Hehe...sebabnya Nisa ni asal orang kampung. Baru belajar makan western food ni dalam 10 tahun baru ni kot, sejak jumpa kawan-kawan TESL yang juga suka makan.

Tapi Nisa takde la taksub sangat bab makanan western ni. Sebagai orang kampung, Nisa masih makan makanan Melayu & lauk-lauk kampung yang lain.

So, enjoy what you eat! Tapi pastikan HALAL & BERSIH ye kawan2. :)



Well, walaupun Januari dah sampai ke penghujung, tapi rasanya belum terlambat untuk Nisa share apa wishlist & harapan untuk tahun 2012 ni. In fact, some of the wish had been fulfilled. And i guess i have to work harder to achieve more.

Okay.... let us begin!

Pertama, I want to be a better daughter. Selama ni tak baik ek? Ehh...of course la baik. Nama pun “Good Girl” :) As I said, I want to a better one. Bukankah orang selalu berpesan, jadilah manusia yang lebih baik dari semalam? InsyaALLAH... I want to be better daughter sebab bila our parents happy dengan kita, hidup lebih diberkati & dirahmati oleh-Nya.

Wish number two is to get a Toyota Estima Aeras for my dad. 

Why for my dad? Why not for myself? Well, I could say,untuk Nisa, I can wait. It has been my dream since school to get my dad a Toyota Estima. Ayah selalu sebut “nanti Ayah nak beli Estima la Kak (Nisa la tu). Lawa Estima ni.” But I know he would not buy the car because at that time, all my sisters and brothers were still at school. He had to spend a lot of money for our school fees. And ten years later, he still could not afford a Toyota Estima because he had to save up money as every year, my siblings enter the university and colleges one after another. Semuanya kena berjimat. Nak tukar kereta baru, kena fikir dua kali sebab anak-anak baru tiga orang bekerja.  So I really hope I could get him a Toyota Estima Aeras and to see him smile when driving his dream car. Well, a Toyota Estima Aeras is nothing compared to what he had spent on me and my siblings. Love you, Ayah!

Number three, I want to increase my monthly income! RM15,000 per month. Ridiculous? Nope! It’s is not ridiculous with my Premium Beautiful business! There are many in my team who have achieved income of RM15,000 every month. So it is not possible if I could make the same income too! If they can, so can I!

Keempat, i want a new laptop. When I shared it with my mom, she asked me “Why want a laptop when you have an iPad 2?” I just smiled. I myself not sure but sometimes I felt some drawbacks to do my school stuff using my darling iPad 2. So i guess i should get a new laptop since my old one could not be used anymore! And this time I want a white ASUS. I LOVE WHITE!

ASUS white!
Kelima, I want to make little investment on gold. Well, my mom, aunt & friends always advise me to buy gold when you have a little extra money.! A good choice of investment!

Sixth, I wish is to have a new Coach handbag!  

Jenis apa? Hhmm....this time I want a simple and sweet handbag. Already have a few yang vogue (konon-konon). So this time I prefer something simple aje.

May be a hobo like this? Simple kan?

The seventh wish is  to see my two new business partners to be on the stage to receive awards as Sales Manager with RM20,000 selling!

Malin & Nad

And insyaALLAH...they will have be on the stage this coming February! Waahhh...I am so excited okay. Already bought the dress, shoes and clutch to attend the dinner. And already book the flight ticket to go to KL and celebrate them! Ohh yeaahhh!!!

Wish number eight is to help my business partners to spread their wings and fly higher! They are on their way to second stage of their business. They will be Senior Sales Managers in no time! And I am guiding them to be great leaders and receive a Double Diamond this year. InsyaALLAH!

Wish number nine is to go for a vacation with my family! Oversea! Yeaayyy!!! Seronok! Dah lama tak gi holiday jauh-jauh dengan my family!

Sooooo....those are my wish & hope for 2012. It does not matter which would be achieved first. Having it said and working on it matters the most! It feels good to share what are my dreams with others because it always remind me to work for it! InsyaALLAH..dengan usaha yang betul & doa yang sungguh-sungguh, semuanya akan jadi kenyataan! Amiinnnnn....

What’s your 2012 dreams? Come on and share it with me!



Salam semua...

Diharapkan anda semua lebih sihat dan ceria hari ni. Today, Nisa nak cerita tentang Booth Premium Beautiful yang telah pun berlangsung di Galeri B, Terengganu Trade Centre, Kuala Terengganu.

Booth ni dibuka dengan tujuan mendekatkan orang2 Terengganu, khasnya orang Kuala Terengganu dengan Premium Beautiful. Nisa percaya orang KT ni dah biasa dengan ttg Beautiful or Premium Beautiful tapi tak pernah tengok dengan mata sendiri. So, inilah masanya orang KT berpeluang untuk kenal, lihat dan sentuh Premium Beautiful yang dikatakan MAGICAL CORSET ni.


Haaaaa..... Nisa sebut MAGICAL CORSET kerana dengan SATU korset, ia memberikan pelbagai faedah kepada pemakainya. Kesihatan. Kecantikan. Keyakinan. Kewangan.

Selama hampir seminggu kami berkampung di TTC, ALHAMDULILLAH... kami dapat mendekati orang KT yang sebenarnya berminat dengan Premium Beautiful. Sambutan di booth sangat menggalakkan sehingga kami tak menang tangan melayan pertanyaan pengunjung.

Menarik tentang booth Premium Beautiful TTC, kami telah mengadakan Peraduan Tagline FACEBOOK di mana setiap hari, pasukan booth Premium Beautiful TTC akan update status di Profile Facebook atau Facebook Page kami. Cara paling mudah ntuk mendapatkan tagline tersebut, pengunjung perlu LIKE Facebook Page kami, datang ke booth dan sebutkan tagline tersebut. Hadiah misteri menanti pengunjung yang menyebut tagline dengan tepat!

Selain itu, pengunjung boleh cuba minuman baru keluaran syarikat iaitu Nurich Lacto-Lite, minuman yang berasaskan kultur hidup dan inulin, yang mengandungi prebiotik dan probiotik bagus untuk penjagaan usus. Yang pasti, Nurich Lacto-lite tiada gula tambahan.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Ombak Rindu

Salam to alls

Okay,,,,previously aku ada post entry tentang Ombak Rindu kan? Tapi teaser aje laaaa...hehehe. So hari ni konon2 nak bagi short review la tentang Ombak Rindu yang sempat aku tonton with my sister and brother a few weeks ago. Hehehehe.. We drove all the way to Kerteh y'alls just to watch the movie.

bergambar dengan poster :)

Well,the basic story line filem Ombak Rindu similar to the novel. Tapi biasa laaaaa...takkan nak letak the whole novel in the 2 hours movie kan? All the significant event and dialogue in the novel memang ada dalam filem.

The film begins with Izzah coming home selepas ngajar Quran to the village kids, and dia berborak dengan Mail. Di kampung, Izzah stays with her uncle & aunt cuma the aunt baik la. And Izzah was sold to Kelvin, a pub owner, by her uncle untuk selesaikan his debt. That night, she is hired by Hariz and that's how she begs Hariz to bring her out from there. Hariz keeps Izzah in his private villa as mistress but later takes Izzah as his wife after she begs him to do so.
Izaah & Mail

One day, Hariz is told by Pak Dollah that Izzah is not well. He scolds iIzzah and tells her to abort the baby. He slams Izzah in the toilet and she faints. Izzah tells Hariz she's not pregnant. Hariz feels guilty and asks for her apology....and he cries.

The next morning, Hariz wakes up to see Izzah is not on the bed. He goes to the beach to look for her, and here he confesses his love to Izzah....and they cry.
Hariz & Izzah at the beach

Later, Izzah works as Hariz's secretary and Mila come back to Malaysia for good. Hariz has to proceed with wedding planned years ago as his mother has promised not to interfere in Hariz-Izzah' affair. On Hariz's wedding day, Izzah goes back to her village to find the old house is empty. She also meets Mail and he brings her in his boat. They talk about Izzah's life in KL. Izzah tells Mail that she is now married and I guess all of you could think how frustrated Mail could be.

Izzah & Mail at the village
The sad scene appears when Hariz involves in an accident and lying coma on the bed for weeks. everyday, Izzah sneaks into his room and takes care of him with the help of Pak Dollah, Hariz's loyal driver. However, when Hariz comes to his senses, he has been provoked with pictures of Izzah with other man. He is so angry and at this moment, Hariz's mom manipulates his anger to throw Izzah to the street. Izzah has to go back to the village while waiting for Pak Dollah to come back from Mecca.

Hariz goes to see Izzah at Pak Dollah's place to tell Izzah that he would never divorce her but to chain her with the marriage. At the same time, he will live with Mila. Izzah is so shocked and run after Hariz's car. she falls down and experience a miscarriage. Pak Dollah is so angry. He goes to  Hariz's house and tells them that Hariz is not Datuk Sufiah's son. Instead, Hariz is his son who he gave to Datuk Sufiah's husband because Datuk Sufiah's son was died at birth. Everybody is surprised to the fact.

Later, Hariz goes to Izzah's village to ask for Izzah's forgiveness. Mila also agrees to divorce Hariz and walks out from their lives. Hariz and Izzah live happily ever after! :)

Hariz & Izzah