Monday 5 December 2011


Salam all! entry would be about.....



And this! 



Salam to all...

Apa khabar? Harap y'alls semua sihat2 aje ye. :-)

Banner promosi online booth PBlicious

This time I nak cerita about our booth at Karnival Jom Heboh TV3, as stated in the picture above. It was held during the weekend for two days, 3-4 December 2011. Sangat seronok okay even though I was not there during the event. Oh my! How I wish i could be there and help the team. Unfortunately, I had other things to do here in KT. However, I was able to help the team from by preparing some forms to be used during the event, gathering pictures for slide shows, brainstorming the ideas for the gifts and simple contest. ALHAMDULILLAH....the booth was set up successfully through virtual discussion!

 This is what we call TEAMWORK!

Here are some of the forms that I had prepared to help the team members to manage the booth. :-)

The booth was held on Saturday and Sunday, opened from 10 am to 10 pm. However, people started to drop by at our booth since Friday. Praise to ALLAH, we were able to entertain the visitors even though we were quite busy setting up the booth.

We had a lot of free gifts to be given to the visitors. That was also a good chance to buy Premium Beautiful with promotion price where you can save up to RM800! Waahhh...that's a lot of money, right? We also had special contest for Facebookers where Facebookers had to say out the tagline we announced on Facebook to the team at the booth! Gifts were given to those who could say it out correctly! Yeay!

Here are some pictures taken during the event! Aahhh....they were & are great okay!

The Team

PBlicious Team
Consulting a customer

Come in, people!

The free gifts!

Promo! Promo!

Awards & Achievement of Premium Beautiful

Benefits of Premium Beautiful

Premium beautiful for bride

She was able to manage her post-natal weight!

Apart from the fun and joy, there were a few things that made us happy with the decision to open the booth. A lot of the visitors said they were wearing Premium Beautiful for years and the condition is still okay. Ada yang nak cari Premium Beautiful to manage their post-natal weight. A few yang datang cari Premium Beautiful sebab nak turunkan berat badan. And many other reasons. The team had fun sharing the information of Premium Beautiful and successful stories of Premium Beautiful user. Below are some comments that we got from our customers at the booth. Surprisingly amazing!

“Akak, corset ni boleh turunkan berat badan saya kan? Saya nak kecik sikit la.” Pelanggan A # InsyaALLAH…ramai yg dah Berjaya dgn Premium Beautiful.

Kawan sy before kawen gemok sgt!tp lps kawen,die dh kurus! terkejut saye! Rupenye die pkai pb ni la! So sy nk try jugak la..die gemok tau dlu" Pelanggan B
# Semangat dia cerita tentnag kawan dia! Boleh..boleh! Tunggu ye Premium Beautiful anda! :-)

“Saya memang cari corset,sy penah dgr brand lain,tp sy xberani." Pelanggan C was having post-natal weight
#well,premium beautiful dah 20thn kt Malaysia  :)

“Ha'ah la..rse badan dipegang and kemas..beza sangat.." Pelanggan D, buncit walaupun selepas setahung bersalin dan cuba pakai Waist Nipper di fitting room kami
#Akak, sebab tu kami berniaga Premium Beautiful ni. To help other people.

 “Akak dh ade satu set pb ni,akak pkai since 2004 bile keluar short bra yg baru ni,akak nak jugak. PB akak elok lagi tau! Memang best la untuk org macam, akak slalu pergi kursus n aktif ni!" Pelanggan E
# Waaahhhh…kami kagum lagi dgn pemakai tegar Premium Beautiful!

‎"Tu la...saya dh pakai banyak jenis corset,tp berlipat2 and bergulung2 kt peha..penuh je dalam satu almari…tapi bila pakai PB,tak pandang yg lain lagi” Pelanggan F
# Hehehe…sama je macam member team kami. Akhirnya setia dengan Premium Beautiful, sampai boleh income almost 10k. first income pon dh double salary I.

‎"Makcik tgk kan..short bra yg korang tunjuk ni,mmg tgk je dh tahu selesa je pakai.." Pelanggan G
#Ye makcik..sesuai sgt utk wanita tgh pregnant yg bile perot mereka memboyot,sakit abis bdn bile pkai bra biase tu..ramai pregnant women prefer short bra Premium Beautiful walaupon takleh pakai set Premium Beautiful begitulah cerita ttg booth kami! We had fun setting up the booth. And I had fun helping the team from far. When i told my friend how we did that, she said "Waaaahhhh...hebat betul korang! Dasyat la korang ni ye! " 

Yup! I am very proud of my team! 

So people out there yang tak sempat pergi booth kami di Karnival Jom Heboh, anda masih boleh memiliki set Premium Beautiful anda! 
